Ernest Hemingway once wrote a story in 6 words. This was considered his best work even though it was clearly his shortest. He wrote:
"For sale:
baby shoes, never worn."
He said these words described his life in just 6 small words.
We studied this is our chapel service yesterday here at the great Anderson University. (Yes she is seriously great even though I am not happy with her at the moment--see previous post) I was then challenged to try to describe my Christian life in only 6 small words. This is what I came up with:
"Blood bought,
Willing Submission,
Continuous Service!"
My continuous goal to live this way every day. Each 2 word phrase is a portion of the Christian life and something that I am learning to try to realize daily.
"Blood bought":
Jesus Christ bought me with the blood that He shed on the cross. He gave a willing sacrifice so that my soul could be saved! I am saved because of what He did for me and nothing of what I can do. I deserve eternity from Him but because of His love and mercy willingly gave up His life for mine.
"Willing Submission"
I strive everyday to willingly submit to the will of God on my life. I must continue to give up my own desires and be willing to accept God's desire for my life. John 3: 30 says, "John 3:30 He must increase, but I must decrease." I must get out of the way daily so that Christ can show me HIS way. I must be willing to go wherever he leads, whatever the cost, whenever He tells me to!
"Continuous Service"
I cannot become complacent as a child of God. I must continue daily to find a way to impact others the way that Christ has impacted me. I cannot just say that I am a Christian and not serve those around me. James 2:18-20 says, "Yea, a man may say, You have faith, and I have works: show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that there is one God; you do well: the demons also believe, and tremble. But will you know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?" I must put action to my beliefs and try to impact people around me as much as possible.
I challenge you to come up with your own 6 word story and post it as a comment. See if you can describe your intentions and goals of your daily life in just 6 words.
-H.M. Mathis
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