Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Got to love sarcastic Facebook posts...

The Pity Train has just derailed at the intersection of Suck It Up & Move On, and crashed into We All Have Problems, before coming to a complete stop at Get Over It. Any complaints about how we operate, can be forwarded to 1-800-waa-aaah with Dr. Sniffle Reporting LIVE from Quitchur Complaining'. If you don't like it...suck it up buttercup! Life doesn't revolve around you!!!
Thank you mother for posting this today and reminding me of how you responded everytime I complained.  You made my day today with this.
-H.M. Mathis 

Person of the Week: The Church Candy Man

This past Sunday while attending Covenant Baptist Church here in good ol' Anderson, Lauren was approached by this older gentleman as we sat in our seats before service.  He came up to her, reached into his pocket, and pulled out a small Tootsie Roll without saying a word and walked away.  Many people may find this a bit odd but to those of us who have attended smaller churches in the south this comes as no surprise.

This man could play many different roles in the community from Monday to Saturday but on Sunday to kids, and most likely all the adults, as: The Candy Man.  Often times you may not even know his name, but you know that he will always be there for every kid in need of a butter scotch or peppermint on Sunday morning.
As I grew up, and still to this day, that man in my church was Jim Gibbons.  He is known to every child in the church, not by name, but for the delicious treats that he so willingly passes out every Sunday.

The Church Candy man is one of those unsung heros of life that never get any recognition but always put a smile on our faces.  So when you see your 'Candy Man' this Sunday, before eating the amazing treat that he offers you, thank him for touching all of our lives, even if it is just one ounce at a time.
-H.M. Mathis

Friday, March 18, 2011

Gratitude List: 21-30

21. Lunch with Mom, Granny and Lauren
22. Hopeland Gardens
23. Salmon and Shrimp Coctails
24. Baseball Season--Bout time you got here
25. 9 Year Olds who throw Strikes!
26. Chillin' with Doug
27. South Aiken FCA
28. The phrase, "I will cut you!"
29. Late Night Zaxby's
30. This is the most serious one of them:
       I am grateful for every thing that Coach Tommy Dunbar did, not only for me personally, but for the kids and people of Aiken.  No matter who you were he would always greet you with a smile, a handshake, and always remember your name.  You will be greatly missed.  Thank you for everything you did for us!

-H.M. Mathis

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Person of the Week: Mommy

Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone.  Most people when they see March 17th approaching on the calendar they think of green and alcohol and everything that goes along with the St. Patty's Day theme.  When this day comes along every year though just one thing comes to mind, Mommy!
Teresa Mathis was born on this day, the year escapes me at this moment ;), to Gaines and Sybil Bell in Aiken, South Carolina.  She is the second child of four and was raised on the Bible and good southern home cooking.  She was raised in a Christian home and still holds true to those values today.  Later on in her life she married Mark Mathis and went on to raise 2 boys in the same way that they were raised. 
So today I just want to say Happy Birthday Mommy and thank you for everything that you do for us.  Thank you for always putting up with our attitude and ungratefulness because even though we do not always show it we are so thankful for everything that you do for us.  You have been the best mother that we could ever ask for.  So since words cannot describe how grateful we are, I just simply  want to say.  I Love You and Thank You Mommy!

-H.M. Mathis

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Gratitude List

11. Wing Night with the fellas
12. 30 Second phone conversations with G-Baby
13. Cousins who are always willing to help you out
14. Getting out of Spanish class
15. Long car rides
16. Dinner with Lauren's Family
17. Being Home/Seeing Mommy & Daddy
18. Chillin' with the Old Friends
19. Morning outings with Pops
20. Opportunities

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Today here at our wonderful Anderson University we had our weekly chapel event.  Today's chapel was especially different though.  As we walked in we were requested to not talk and make as little noise as possible, which is very hard for 800 college students to do.  After an amazing time of worship Dr. Chuck Fuller, a ministry professor at Anderson, preached on how we should pray.

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. 10 Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Matthew 6:9-10

Dr. Fuller addressed how often times we take something that is meant to bring us closer together with God and turn it into something about just us.  He explained how we are not even worthy to pray to God but we often times treat it as just a simple thing that we do when we are in need.  Instead, he said, we should see it as privilege to speak to the one who sacrificed His one perfect Son in order to adopt many disobedient sons.  Only through the grace, love and mercy of God are we allowed to look upon Him and say, "Abba Father."

I agree with him.  I feel like often times we, Hamilton Mathis included, pray in hope that God will just give us something or deliver us from a situation.  However, we must find God's will in these situations because sometimes He puts us in these situations to grow us but we often times miss this blessing because we are too busy attending our own pitty parties. 

Today I was challenged that I should be more respectful and reverent when I come before my God and Creator.  Often times I just casually pray and it is all about ME ME ME!  Praying is not about us at all, it is about the love of God just giving us the time of day. 

So, I also challenge everyone, when you come before our God and pray to Him, do it with a clean and reverent heart.  Ask not only for the passions of yourself but for God's will to be done.
-H.M. Mathis

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Gratitude List

I find that many times we often overlook the simple things in our lives that God often gives us.  He presents us with things that we see and never think twice about even though they are meant to bless us.  So this is just the list of random things that I feel God has put in front of me for my blessing/enjoyment.

1.Humbling 0 for 11 shooting nights in Basketball
2. South Rouse 1st floor
3. Hospital visits to Papa Bishop
4. Ms. Pauline in the Caf--Has a smile on her face every morning
5. Conversion and Calling Papers--We need to be reminded of the ways God has blessed us
6. Lauren Ellen Clifton
7. All the others who blog that inspired me to start my own--Mrs. Dawn, Lauren
8. RUF
9. Class getting out early
10. Morning Breakfasts

That is all for now...I will keep a running list. 
I challenge all of my 0 followers to, as you go through the week, to find the small things that God gives us to be a blessing to us.

H.M. Mathis