Thursday, April 21, 2011

Aight Thanks...

At this current moment I should be driving down good ol' highway 28 on my way home to Aiken, SC.  HOWEVER, I am not due to the fact that Anderson University has given us class tomorrow on Good Friday.  For those of you who do not know this is the day that Christians remember as Christ being sacrificed for the sins of the world.  Anyways, Anderson felt the need to give us class on this day due to the fact that we had 3 days of snow that cancelled class at the beginning of the semester.  So yes, I am upset that our Christian University has scheduled class on this Christian holiday. 
Any nay-Sayers who have not stopped reading to this point will surely be mad over this post or then comment and say how selfish it is of me to 'complain' about this fact.  I know your argument though.  You are saying that all I am, and the other 2,500 students that share my opinion, doing is wanting another day out of class and we are lazy.  You even call us selfish because we just want this day that is meant to remember the sacrifice that was meant to save you and I as just a day off.  This is not the case however.  Good Friday is used to remember what Jesus Christ has done for us and how no matter what we do without Him there is no way we could enter into heaven as Christians.  This is a day to celebrate, yes celebrate, and give thanks that God would have such love, mercy and grace to save a bunch of unworthy sinners such as myself.  So yes I do see this day as a day to celebrate and spend with my family as well as other Christians to commemorate what Jesus Christ did because He desired to spend eternity with you and me. 
So yes I am highly upset that my Christian University will be having class tomorrow while my friends from secular universities will be spending time at home on this Christian holiday.  I just feel that this is a bad job of setting an example by one university to another.  So I am quite sorry Anderson University right now we are not friends.
Aight Thanks.
-H.M. Mathis

1 comment:

  1. I agree Ham.....wish you were headed home right now! But remember "for this moment".....loveyou
